Social and Membership Club
The Lions Club is a service organization whose goal is to meet the needs of the Central Cambria community. Our motto is, "We serve". Meetings are held at 6 PM on the second Wednesday of each month at Kosta's Restaurant.
Running Club is for Ebensburg and surrounding communities specializing in group runs/walks and race planning/participation.
Golf Course, Retail Pro Shop
The Ebensburg Woman’s Club meets the third Monday of each month.
Welcome to NCRC! We are located in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania and function as a premier public ice rink and recreation center. We offer a variety of ice availability ranging from public sessions that include Learn to Skate, Stick and Shoot, Drop In Hockey, Public Skate, and Freestyle Skate. In addition, we offer Private Rentals, Club Sports, & ESports.
Non-profit Organization