“Retire Your Old Glory” at the Ebensburg Municipal Office

Retire Your Old Glory is a community-based program to collect and properly retire American flags when they are no longer usable. Because borough staff are often asked how and where to properly dispose of old flags, Borough Council voted to participate in this program.

The American Legion Post 363 and Ebensburg VFW Post 4963 have generously agreed to sponsor the program by covering the initial set up fees, and Boy Scout Troop 98 has agreed to mange the program on an ongoing basis. They will periodically collect the flags, report the number of flags collected and ceremonially dispose of the flags.

Thanks to all the organizations involved in making this program possible.

Smoke Test

Residents are reminded that Ebensburg Borough is continuing a DEP-required testing of residential and commercial sewage systems. The tests are intended to detect any connections that are allowing infiltration into the sewage system.

Infiltration is caused by sources of stormwater being illegally discharged into the sanitary sewer system. These sources can be downspouts, driveway drains, footer drains, and leaking service laterals. Borough crews will be smoke-testing sections of town. Smoke is pumped into the sanitary sewer system under pressure and then rises out of any illegal tap identifying the locations of any drains, downspouts and leaks. Property owners that have any such illegal sources of infiltration will be required to pay to have corrections made.

The smoke may on occasion enter buildings. That could happen if your sewage traps are empty or lacking. The smoke is non-toxic and leaves no residue. We will try out best to notify property owners in advance of any testing in your area. You will want to watch the local newspapers for any notices. The testing will occur in a specific section of town each year over the next five years.