Boil Water Advisory is LIFTED



Boil Water Notice

Today is February 26, 2025.  A water line break on Elderwood Drive has resulted in A boil water advisory for Elderwood Dr.

This advisory will be in effect for the Elderwood drive area served by the Ebensburg Municipal Authority.

The water company cannot confirm when the advisory will be lifted.  Loss of pressure can interfere with disinfection and provide a medium for microbial growth.  Low pressure may indicate the presence of disease-causing organisms. The organisms include bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and associated headaches.

All affected customers are advised to not drink their water without boiling it first.  Bring the water to a boil, let it boil for one minute and then let it cool before using it, or use bottled water.

The Ebensburg Borough will notify you when the advisory is lifted. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.

Winter Parking is NOT in Effect Starting at 5 PM 3/3/25


Good News! The enforcement of the winter parking regulations within Ebensburg Borough is being relaxed.

The current Ordinance, in place since 1994, requires alternate side parking on many streets between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., and again between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. It also prohibits parking on many smaller streets between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Those winter parking restrictions are in effect between December 1st and March 31st.

In the past, the Ordinance was not enforced until the first snowfall each year. After the first snowfall, the Ordinance was enforced each and every day, regardless of weather conditions. These parking restrictions are necessary to allow the public works crew to properly and safely clear the streets of snow. Unfortunately, the regulations caused great inconvenience to the residents.

Today, there are many methods of communicating current information to the residents. Borough Council believes that we can enforce the regulations when necessary, and relax enforcement when possible.

Effective immediately, the winter parking regulations will only be enforced when deemed necessary by staff. A notice will be placed here on the website announcing when the regulations are “in effect” or are “not in effect.” The same notice will be posted on the borough’s Facebook page.

For those that may not have access to the Internet, a call to the borough office at 472-8780 is all that will be necessary to verify whether vehicles parked on the street need to be moved. During business hours, staff will be able to answer the question, or you may press #5 to be taken directly to a recording.

Winter parking restrictions will be placed in effect with every forecasted snowfall, and should be considered in effect with every unexpected snowfall. Depending on conditions, the restrictions will often remain in effect for several days following a snowfall. Crews often work for several days to push snow back from the curbs, to clear intersections, and to clear slush from the streets. Residents will be required to move vehicles until such time that the announcement on the website and Facebook is again changed. It will be everyone’s responsibility to verify the current enforcement status of the winter parking regulations. Remember…because it snowed two days ago and hasn’t snowed since; the winter parking regulations may still be in effect. Check the website!

The relaxed winter parking regulations will require the full cooperation of everyone. It is important that the public works crews are able to maintain clear streets during winter conditions. If the relaxation of enforcement causes problems in that regard, it will be necessary to return to daily enforcement. Please work with us so that we can maintain our streets in a safe manner, while minimizing the inconvenience to you and your neighbors of moving your vehicle twice each day.

Water Project Update

The Ebensburg Municipal Authority Water Department will be doing new water line tie-ins on Monday, February 10, 2025, from 7AM to 3PM at Uni-Mart on South Center Street, all customers on Lakeview Road, Cindy Street, Karen Street, Barton Street and Susan Street.
During the tie-in customers in this area may experience periods of low to no water pressure. When the new water line is connected, customers may experience dirty water.
Thank you for your patience as we strive to improve our water system.

Thank you from the Ebensburg Borough Police Department!

The Ebensburg Borough Police Department wishes to thank Bishop Carroll High School for treating them to lunch at Rik-n-Nik’s as part of their annual First Responder Appreciation Day on Thursday, January 30, 2025.
Courtesy of Bishop Carroll High School, officers enjoyed a delicious meal provided by Rik-n-Niks and joined members of the Dauntless Volunteer Fire Company for a lunch filled with laughs, storytelling, and camaraderie.
A big “thank you” to both Bishop Carroll and Rik-n-Niks!

Safety Tips from the Ebensburg Borough Police


General Pedestrian Law:

Pennsylvania’s Vehicle Code details the rights and duties of pedestrians.

Generally, people walking may cross the street at any point, but pedestrians and motorists must understand their responsibilities. Below are the basic laws to follow when crossing the street or driving.

  • When a pedestrian crosses the street in a crosswalk, the driver must yield.
    • Drivers are not required to yield until you begin to step into the crosswalk.
    • Pedestrians should not walk or run unexpectedly into the path of a moving vehicle. Pedestrians should not assume drivers will see or yield. Look left, right, and left again before stepping out.
    • It is illegal for drivers to pass a vehicle that is stopped for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, as the second driver may not see the pedestrian in the crosswalk.
  • If a pedestrian crosses the street not at an intersection and there is no crosswalk, the pedestrian must yield to vehicles.
  • When crossing the street at a signalized intersection, both pedestrians and motorists must obey the traffic-control devices.
    • These signs and signals help identify who must yield.
  • When walking along a road with sidewalks and its use is practicable, it is unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway.

Safety Talking Points

 Tips for Pedestrians:

 Cross only at crosswalks. Don’t cross between parked cars.

  • Look left, right then left again and keep looking.
  • Wait for a gap in traffic, then step one foot off the curb or fully enter crosswalk and make eye contact with approaching drivers.
  • Always obey traffic signs and signals especially pedestrian count down timers.
  • See and be seen – drivers need to see you to avoid you. Wear bright clothing during the day, and wear reflective materials or carry a flashlight at night.
  • Watch for turning vehicles at intersections, even if you have the right-of-way and proceeding lawfully.
  • Watch your children. Children can’t judge a vehicle’s speed and distance and need the help of an adult to be safe.
  • On streets with multiple lanes in each direction, be aware of what drivers in both near lanes are doing. If one driver is allowing you to cross, the other might not see you.
  • If no sidewalk is available, walk as far on the side of the road as you can, and always walk against traffic.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings, and never get distracted.

Tips for Motorists:

 Slow down when approaching a crosswalk or intersection. Watch for pedestrians and be prepared to yield to them.

  • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks – the law requires motorists to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks at signalized and non-signalized intersections.
  • Travel at a prudent speed. Don’t try to beat the light.
  • Watch for mid-block crosswalks. Pedestrians have the right-of-way in mid-block crosswalks, so yield to them.
  • Expect the unexpected – look out for children who may dart out between cars or buses or cross mid-block without a crosswalk.
  • Drivers on streets with multiple lanes in each direction should be aware that pedestrians may be crossing all lanes.

Trash & Recycle Receptacle Storage & Tree/Shrub Maintenance

With the threat of severe weather throughout the area, the Ebensburg Borough Police would like to remind area residents of the requirements regarding the placement of new garbage containers:

  1. Containers are not to be place curbside more than 24 hours before scheduled pick up.
  2. Containers must be removed from curbside no more than 24 hours after scheduled pick up.
  3. With severe storms possible, the containers potentially could blow into the street and cause a traffic hazard.

An additional reminder as spring arrives; residents are responsible to keep their shrubs, trees, and foliage trimmed so that they do not impede roadways or sidewalks, or block street signs.

Ebensburg police thank all residents for their cooperation in keeping Ebensburg Borough a beautiful and safe community!

Ebensburg Water Plant Receives Prestigious Area Wide Optimization (AWOP) Award

  • Pictured from left, Luke Byrne, Kyle Smiley and Anthony Perott of Inframark

Ebensburg’s Water Treatment Plant has been selected again to receive a prestigious Area Wide Optimization Program (AWOP) Award. The AWOP Award was presented to Luke Byrne, Plant Manager, for our water system on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at the Pennsylvania Rural Water Association (PRWA) Annual Conference in State College, PA.

AWOP is a national filter plant optimization effort among numerous states, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) and you. For the seventeenth consecutive year in Pennsylvania, AWOP will recognize outstanding efforts toward optimizing filter plant turbidity performance with a prestigious AWOP Award. The top performing filter plants that submitted their 2023 WebOAS turbidity data will receive an AWOP Award this year. This year 9 small filter plants (serving <10,000 people) will be presented with AWOP Awards at the PRWA conference. We hope to present AWOP Awards next year as well. So please continue to submit your turbidity data to remain eligible for an AWOP Award next year. WebOAS turbidity submittal is required in order to participate in AWOP and be eligible for an AWOP Award.